the newsletter of tbd consultants - 1st qtr 2010

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In this Edition

A Broader Dimension
Sustainability Base
How Green Is My Building?
Recession - One Year On

Construction Management Specialists

111 Pine Street, Suite 1315
San Francisco, CA 94111
(415) 981-9430
806 West Pennsylvania Ave.
San Diego, CA 92103
(619) 550-1187
8538 173rd Avenue NE
Redmond, WA 98052
(206) 571-0128


A Broader Dimension

With this edition of our newsletter we re-launch it with a new name. Please pardon us as we deviate from our normal editorial policy to tell you something about ourselves and the reason for the name change.


Sustainability Base

This is the story of a building that illustrates the ups and downs of the construction market and the growth of the green-building movement.


How Green is My Building?

We all know the LEED rating system for green buildings, but is that the only way to measure the "greenness" of a building? Here we look at some of the concerns regarding measuring how green a building really is.


Recession – One Year On

The recession might be technically over, but it sure doesn't feel like it. Here we take a look at where we are as the effects of the Great Recession drag on.



Design consultant: Katie Levine of Vallance, Inc.